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The Castle Doctrine

There are so many talking heads, commentators and YouTubers who have been telling us what is going on in our country and the world.  
Wokeism, Open Borders, DEI, failing schools, "elite" universities that are nothing more than extremely expensive leftist indoctrination centers, the American family being intentionally torn apart, God, Christians and now Jews being targeted, and an economy that is increasingly leaving most of us behind.  What we don't hear is what are we to actually DO about it.

Welcome to the Castle Doctrine.

The Castle Doctrine was a principle following the adage, "a man's home is his castle." Meaning, worthy of defending; also meaning that we, the citizens of the United States, "We the People" have the inherent right to defend it, by whatever means necessary.  That includes our home, our property, and our loved ones. By whatever means necessary.

We are defending our home. America is our home and it is under attack. This time, the threat is from within. We can't trust anything. The media lies. Our food poisons us. Our doctors are only interested in selling drugs. Our government is destroying our country.  The list is sadly endless. 

Here at the Castle Doctrine, we are building a community. We are building a movement that is armed with the knowledge and the tools to engage and influence our community and start, one step at a time, to make one measurable  positive change. We start in our living rooms, and our Town Hall, our county commissioners, and up and up until we create an movement that can no longer be ignored. 

Get involved. Stop listening to the news and feeling helpless. Stop feeling ignored and with no value. Stop feeling like you can't make a difference.   You Can.

This won't be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is.  This is our calling. This is our time.  America's Greatest Generation rose up from the small towns, factories and farms and saved the world.  

It is your turn now. It is our turn now.  Nothing less is at stake today than it was in their time. This will take work and dedication.  You can do it. WE can do it. You are not alone.

We are The Castle Doctrine. 

The Castle Doctrine

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